
Text AI Konan Chatbot+

Why you should opt
Konan Chatbot+

Do you need an effective solution for supporting foreign customers?
‘Konan Chatbot+’ provides real-time AI-based interpretation solution
ranging from major international languages,
including English, Chinese and other 13 languages.

Konan Chatbot+is created by Konan Technology,
Korea’s largest natural language processing company,
through continuous research and development for
simultaneous foreign language interpretation.
It translates foreign languages into KOREAN and vice versa,
providing fast and smooth communication between multilingual speakers.

Video - AI Translation Solution, Konan Chatbot Plus

Foreign language conversations process

The solution is easy to use and operated by the following steps
– language selection, button input, speaking, voice translation.


Benefit 01.

Improving efficiency in customer support

Advanced speech recognition algorithms can be used to quickly respond to different languages, pronunciations, and speaking speed of global customers.
Automatic language identification and background noise reduction enable accurate foreign language speech recognition even in high decibel environments such as airports, landmarks, and shopping malls.

Benefit 02.

Real-time bidirectional interpretation support

The solution provides real-time voice and text translation through large-scale interpretation engine.
The engine supports both major and minor international languages, considering accents, and cultural nuances for each language.

Benefit 03.

Expand into the global market

The solution can attract international customers from various countries and cultures, which allows the service to expand into foreign customers.
The solution will increase the satisfaction of foreign customers as well as the likelihood of revisiting.

Benefit 04.

Strengthening corporate and brand image

Adapting the solution provides innovative cutting-edge technology, enhancing the global brand image to customers.
The interpretation system provides differentiation from competitors, allowing the company to expand customer service into different languages and cultures, building a socially responsible company image.

Support Language

※ English, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Malaysian, Arabic, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Korean
(Total 13 languages provided / As of 2024)


Introducing three unique features
exclusive to Konan Chatbot+

Learning and adaptability

Machine learning algorithms can continuously improve language models, increase accuracy, and analyze user feedback and conversations to continuously improve the performance of the system.

High-quality voice recognition technology

Advanced speech recognition algorithms can be used to cope with various languages, pronunciations, and speeds. Automatic language identification speech recognition and background noise reduction functions enable accurate speech recognition even in various environments.

User interface

Solution provides intuitive easy-to-use interface, making it easy for customers for all ages to use. The solution also supports various features such as touch screens, voice commands and more

The reasons why Konan Chatbot+ stands out

Konan Chatbot+ has demonstrated better
performance than other STT services
from global companies in terms
of voice recognition performance.

Evaluate Performance

※ Source : Introduction of automatic interpretation technology by the Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
※ Evaluation set : monolog / spontaneous(spont.) / travel (CA %)

Video - Konan Chatbot+ trial performance (Seoul Metro)


Konan Chatbot+ provides real-time simultaneous interpretation solution
that transcends language barriers from communicating with global customers.

Talk to KONAN

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